Lose fat without giving up the joy of eating!
A 12-week group coaching program will help you shed fat and keep it off for life through macro tracking and holistic lifestyle habits.

Do you feel like you’re constantly on a diet hamster wheel but never see any lasting results?
Are you getting frustrated with your failed attempts to eat right and exercise given your hectic lifestyle and/or the demands of motherhood?
What if you have a scientifically proven program that will take you from hopeless and hangry to happy and healthy?
Guess what? We are sharing all our nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle secrets in this exclusive program that you can join.
Hi, my name is Kristia Roco and I know exactly how you feel.
I am a mother of two and I have done almost ALL the diets you can think of: Keto, Paleo, Cohen, and Intermittent Fasting. I wanted fast results, but I didn’t know that with fast results came fast rebounds. Once I stopped doing the diet, my weight went back to square one. Worse, these fad diets were not sustainable. No rice forever? HELL NO.
After I discovered macro tracking from a group challenge, I have never looked back! I am fitter, stronger, and healthier than ever before. Best of all, I can eat everything as long as it fits my daily allocation.
I also realized the power of good habits. When I do these actions consistently, half the battle is won to sustain this as a lifestyle!
Meet Your Other Coaches
Coach Christine Cabiles-Ang
Coach Roz Noriega
Christine realizes that the tools and mindset that coaches impart to their clients can also be applied in other life areas—from family and household to career and financial management.
Her biggest win is when clients tell her that the way they deal with things has improved because of what they learned from working with her.
More than just being a nutrition coach, Christine is a wife to a loving husband and a mom to two adorable children. She is also an IT business analyst and a licensed financial advisor. This makes her better equipped to understand the struggles that multi-faceted women constantly face with balancing all of their responsibilities.
Intention, consistency, and effort—these are Christine’s critical success factors to thrive in one’s health and fitness journey, while not neglecting marriage, family, and other endeavors.
Coach Tine is a certified Level 1 Nutrition Coach via Nutrition Coaching Institute, Functional Nutrition and Metabolism Specialist via Metabolism School and Jillfit Moderation 365 Coach.
Roz started her fitness journey as one of many women who were lost and misinformed. She succumbed to fad diets like Master Cleanse, juice detox diets, and Intermittent Fasting—all of which made her feel miserable.
Through the program, she learned how to make smarter food choices without giving up the joy of eating. She realized that no amount of exercise was going to let her lose fat if she wasn’t eating beyond a measly 1,300 calories per day. She learned the real value of good quality sleep and recovery, and how these factor into her fitness. Best of all, she learned how to integrate the program into her lifestyle, so that they work in harmony to make her success sustainable.
Roz believes that if you want to see success in your nutrition and fitness program, you have to be open to unlearn and relearn. To unlearn all the wrong information you’ve been told in the past, so that you can make space to relearn what has been scientifically proven to work. This includes changing your mindset about your weight and the scale, about how incredibly underrated sleep is, about how you sometimes need to eat more to lose fat, and the importance of overall movement (like steps!) versus workouts.
When she isn’t coaching, Roz is thriving in her corporate day job as a senior brand manager in a multinational company. She is also a certified francophone who is continuing her French studies with the goal of achieving fluency on top of English and Filipino. Part of Roz’s day-to-day planning involves carving out time for family, taking outdoor walks with her pup, and socializing with friends. She practices intentionality in protecting personal time while maximizing professional growth.
Roz is a Certified Health Mindset Coach.
Here are some client wins from Macros Movement

#MacrosMovement Win: Overall, having that new mindset when it comes to a woman's health and fitness. And that I have been consistent with my action steps for 90% of the time.
In general, I have been taking care of myself more - intentionally allotting time to focus on myself by nourishing and strengthening my body. Been drinking lots of water too, which sadly I don't do prior to this program. I have also been moving a lot doing steps and strength training, because admittedly I am prone to just slack on the couch to watch and binge. Lastly, I got to be more conscious of the food I eat, its nutrients, how it will benefit my body and ultimately view it as fuel to support what my body needs.
Definitely recommending this to others, because I want more women to learn how to properly take care of themselves and eventually take back their lost confidence like how it did with mine.

#MacrosMovement Win:
l learned the right way of eating which I will try my best to practice everyday. I am proud of the progress I made during the 1st half of the program, but due to unavoidable circumstances, I somehow feel off the wagon during the 2nd half. I still follow the plate method, and will continue to do so. I am no longer coke-dependent. I eat veggies now instinctively.
I recommend this to others because it's a great help to others esp to women who are perimenopausal.
#MacrosMovement Win:
Health wise: my BP normalized, less back pains during long walks and in general (I'd like to think the change in food intake helped + B complex and Magnesium), period is more predictable (I used to have cycles as long as 70 days -- now it's reduced to around 35-37 days), my blood chem results are better (cholesterol used to be a little above normal, now it's within the normal range). My fatty liver score also went down from 2021 - still within fatty range but I think if I do this consistently, it will be within normal range.
Physique wise: Aside from the inches lost overall, my clothes fit better, lumiit yung puson ko and people actually notice it. I also noticed thru my photos that my back got much leaner. I feel lighter overall, and not just because it says so on the weighing scale. I also feel less bloated.
Mental health wise: my mood is better. I feel more confident also with myself, knowing that I am actively making ways to change my lifestyle. I've always dealt with anxiety. In all aspects of my life, it's like I know what the next right step is, but I always lack the push to do it because I'm sooo afraid of failure. I guess this is why it took so long for me to join the program - I wanted to be super ready to be able to do it. But even during the days when I'm not able to hit my macros or steps, I know that overall I'm doing so much better than before and that's enough to keep me sane.
#MacrosMovement Win: That I am capable of building better habits.
Increasing my steps to 7k+ daily
More mindfulness in eating
Feeling more nourished
Better sleep (at least 6 hrs usually)
Macros Movement is a program that pushes you yet still gives you grace when you slip up. And you get results.
#MacrosMovement Win: Clothes fit even better now; I don't look like suman when I wear denim skirts! Better muscle definition and I'm stronger. Less back fat! I'm back to a size Small in most stores. As a result, I feel more confident. Hitting protein more consistently. Also being more mindful of fiber intake (although reaching fiber goals is still more challenging for me). I have been feeling like my belly is still big, but when I compare my photos today to when I first started, I lost a lot na pala!
It's a program that's effective, makes so much sense, and is sustainable. The coaches are very positive, are realistic, provide so much education and are very supportive.

#MacrosMovement Win: I AM EATING MORE. This will be the end of me dieting forever!
For this girl who has been dieting since high school, getting her to EAT MORE WHILE LOSING FAT is a dream come true that she never thought will be possible. We worked our way up from 1,500 calories to 2,000 calories while she leaned out. With more food came food freedom as well - not being afraid to feed her body and follow hunger cues. This, for her, ended restrictive dieting and she stopped being afraid of eating all kinds of food.
She also learned that it’s not overtraining that will get to her goals. From working out 6-7 days a week, she learned that recovery is just as important as the work out. She says that because of this, she feels she has more time for herself and feels no guilt during self care / recovery.
From just eating less and working out more, her goal has shifted to getting stronger. From getting affected with minor fluctuations on the weighing scale and restricting because of that, now she cares less about her weight. “Not only do I see that my body is stronger, I also feel it. The workouts become less and less hard and I see myself hitting PRs weekly! That’s something I couldn’t do despite me working out everyday before.”
#MacrosMovement Win:WEIGHT LOSS! I am now at 66.5 kg! I also have less cravings, I have better relationships with people around me because of my better mood, the discipline has also translated to my work and efforts and patience.
I am capable of hard things! I am capable of transformation. I don't have to stay in my comfort zone, I can do bigger things!
#MacrosMovement Win: The discipline and consistency that I was able to establish.
Significant weight loss, clothes fitting better, better food choices, better sleep quality.
MM was such an eye opener. I was able to learn so many things - to eat something before workout (for protein synthesis and energy), no need to have caffeine in the morning, eating carbs is not a sin, it's not all or nothing, one bad day does not mean that you failed, I can anything but not everything.

#MacrosMovement Win: My clothes fit better, and I see my habits change (eg. seeing to it that I have veggies each meal, buying more eggs and edamame, yogurt, etc)
I am proud of myself for making an effort to adjust my food intake with the right information. I had so much fun learning about macros and the nutrients within different food!
I really developed habits that I am proud of.

#MacrosMovement Win: My relationship with food is healthier. My relationship with exercise is healthier. Because of this, my relationship with my HEALTH is healthier. :)
I learned that I'm stronger than I give myself credit for. I learned that I am not my endometriosis, that I am not my adenomyosis, that I am not my age. Yes, these are my realities, but they are not my limitations.
Macros Movement helped me develop a better relationship with myself, manifesting through a better relationship with food and working out. Because of this, I feel stronger and healthier.
Your Health is Your Greatest Investment:
- Personalized macros and nutrition program
- 12 weeks of strength training workouts 3x a week
- 12 weeks of group coaching calls every Tuesday 8 PM (replays available) Ied by the coaches to help move you forward week to week and for Q and A.
- Monthly challenges to help keep you motivated and continue to build the habits
- Exclusive Discord app channel where you can ask your questions 24/7, share your wins, and connect with your coaches and other participants. Experience the power of community!
- Lifetime access to 12 weekly education modules from Nutrition 101, Gut Health, Strength Training, Recovery, Stress Management, Habit Building, Intuitive Eating, etc.

Ready to shake things up with like-minded women
determined to reclaim their nutrition and health?
With this program, YOU WILL FINALLY:
- Learn how to eat healthy without giving up rice, dessert, and your favorite treats
- Exercise without quitting when life gets in the way
- Get a deeper understanding of what your body is telling you
- Drop the “go hard or go home” mindset and discover a happier middle ground
- Take charge of your well-being by taking care of yourself holistically
- Say goodbye to fat permanently and embrace a stronger body
Think you’re not cut out for this program?
Let me bust every objection in your head:

Macro tracking is difficult to understand and so tedious to do.
As with most things, it’ll take time to learn about macro tracking. But this method will force you to know how much of each kind of food works well for you, your body type, and your goals. You won’t be tracking your food forever. It’s just a means to reset your sense of proportions to cater to what your body really needs.

It’s embarrassing to do a program with others.
I had the same apprehensions when I did the group coaching challenge, but it proved to be life-changing… Look where I am now!
More importantly, the power of community is amazing! Not only do you learn from me, you also learn from others. You’d be surprised at how being with like-minded women gives you a sense of comfort that you’re not alone. Plus, these women want the same things as you and are willing to put in the work. It’s a good kind of pressure!

Your program is expensive.
The program may seem expensive because it rests on the premise that this is going to be the end of yo-yo dieting for you. But it cuts the trial and error through research-backed information which saves you time, and ULTIMATELY, money.
When it comes to health, prevention is always better than cure. Investing in your health, especially if it’s based on science, will always be worth the investment.

This is another fad diet I won’t be able to sustain.
Fad diets promise fast results that you don’t be able to maintain for long periods of time. The Macros Movement program focuses on your metabolism, so you can do it effectively and sustainably. When you have a faster metabolism, your body will be able to handle more food while you get closer to your physique goals.

Weighing food is so strict and limiting.
This is just a way to reset your proportions. How you’re eating now is not working, so you need to change your eating habits— this is a means to get there!

As a US-certified nutrition coach and personal trainer,
We have now helped close to 100 women achieve their dream bodies without senseless dieting.
Our girls do not go hungry (unless they’re in an active fat loss phase) and they get to keep their fat loss for life! But more than losing fat, our clients learn that self-care is imperative. It starts with eating right and moving well—all while being grounded in a growth mindset!
Are you ready to follow our lead and make that change?
We're taking the best practices of our 1-on-1 Nutrition Coaching and putting them in a group setting. Through this exclusive program, you’ll be fully supported by me, our coaches and a community of women as you chase your fitness goals!
This program is perfect for you if you are:
A growth-minded female ages 25 years and older who’s ready to make lifestyle changes
Single and thriving or a postpartum mom
Not suffering from any eating disorder or mental condition that may be triggered by drastic changes
Intent on never yo-yo dieting again
In it for the long haul!
Frequently Asked Questions
You’ve got questions. We’ve got answers.
When is the program going to start?
What is macro tracking?
What do you NEED to make this program work?
Will I be given a meal plan?
When are the weekly Zoom calls?
Can I eat any kind of food?
Do I need to attend the weekly calls?
Will I have to buy supplements such as protein powders?
What equipment do I need for this program?
Will I need to weigh my food?
Will you be doing the workouts with us?
How much weight can I lose from this program?
How many times are we expected to work out in a week?
How is this program different from 1-on-1 Nutrition Coaching?
Can I still do this if I have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)?
Can I join if I’m 6 weeks to 15 months postpartum?
If I have a thyroid problem or any other health/eating condition, can I join this program?
If I can’t join the Macros Movement now, when will you offer this program again?
Can’t find the answer to your question? Feel free to email me!